关于RTP/RTCP协议的介绍,还是在早前的基于sip协议的Push To Talk项目中写到了少许。RTP/RTCP协议相对来说是一个比较简单的协议,这里补充一点关于RTP/RTCP协议的知识。说是RTP/RTCP的知识,其实这里只补充了RTCP发送时间间隔的一些要点,建议不懂的看RFC的文档,里面有非常清楚系统的描述。我在这里只不过是当个翻译而已。
1.Timing Rules(即RTCP包的发送时间间隔)
总的目标是限制RTCP占RTP会话量的一小部分,通常是5%。如果要保持这个占用数值,参与者送出RTCP packet的速率是就会随着参与会话的参与者的数量而是变化了。
1).The bandwidth allocated to RTCP:(分配给RTCP包的带宽,5%通常 * Session带宽)。
2).The average size of RTCP packets sent and received:(接受和发送的RTCP包的平均size,包括UDP,IP的头部)。
3).The total number of participants and the fraction of those participants who are senders :(参与会话终端的总数及这么参与者中作为发送者发送的分组数)。
if (senders > 0 && senders <= (25% of total number of participants)
if (we are sending)
Interval = average RTCP size * senders / (25% of RTCP bandwidth)
Interval = average RTCP size * receivers / (75% of RTCP bandwidth)
else if ((senders = 0) or (senders > (25% of total number of participants))
Interval = average RTCP size * total number of members / RTCP bandwidth
这样可以确保Sender即使很少的情况下也可以确保25%的带宽,能够送出足够的lip synchronization信息
If (Interval < minimum interval)
Interval = minimum interval
2.Basic Transmission Rules (基本的传输规则就是)
I = (Interval * random[0.5, 1.5])
if (this is the first RTCP packet we are sending) {
I *= 0.5
next_rtcp_send_time = current_time + I ;
3.Forward Reconsideration
当会话中同时到来大量的Participant时,造成网络拥塞(Called as "step join"),为此使用Forward Reconsideration
if (current_time >= next_rtcp_check_time) {//1.21828是一个补偿因子
new_rtcp_send_time = (rtcp_interval() / 1.21828) + last_rtcp_send_time
if (current_time >= new_rtcp_send_time) {
send RTCP packet
next_rtcp_check_time = (rtcp_interval() /1.21828) + current_time
} else {
next_rtcp_check_time = new_send_time
1.Timing Rules(即RTCP包的发送时间间隔)
总的目标是限制RTCP占RTP会话量的一小部分,通常是5%。如果要保持这个占用数值,参与者送出RTCP packet的速率是就会随着参与会话的参与者的数量而是变化了。
1).The bandwidth allocated to RTCP:(分配给RTCP包的带宽,5%通常 * Session带宽)。
2).The average size of RTCP packets sent and received:(接受和发送的RTCP包的平均size,包括UDP,IP的头部)。
3).The total number of participants and the fraction of those participants who are senders :(参与会话终端的总数及这么参与者中作为发送者发送的分组数)。
if (senders > 0 && senders <= (25% of total number of participants)
if (we are sending)
Interval = average RTCP size * senders / (25% of RTCP bandwidth)
Interval = average RTCP size * receivers / (75% of RTCP bandwidth)
else if ((senders = 0) or (senders > (25% of total number of participants))
Interval = average RTCP size * total number of members / RTCP bandwidth
这样可以确保Sender即使很少的情况下也可以确保25%的带宽,能够送出足够的lip synchronization信息
If (Interval < minimum interval)
Interval = minimum interval
2.Basic Transmission Rules (基本的传输规则就是)
I = (Interval * random[0.5, 1.5])
if (this is the first RTCP packet we are sending) {
I *= 0.5
next_rtcp_send_time = current_time + I ;
3.Forward Reconsideration
当会话中同时到来大量的Participant时,造成网络拥塞(Called as "step join"),为此使用Forward Reconsideration
if (current_time >= next_rtcp_check_time) {//1.21828是一个补偿因子
new_rtcp_send_time = (rtcp_interval() / 1.21828) + last_rtcp_send_time
if (current_time >= new_rtcp_send_time) {
send RTCP packet
next_rtcp_check_time = (rtcp_interval() /1.21828) + current_time
} else {
next_rtcp_check_time = new_send_time
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